Posted by: redcliffestudents | March 13, 2009

Preparing Families for Life Overseas

That is the workshop you need when you have five children and are going overseas 🙂


For the children there was a special Ready, Steady, Go… program led by Dawn Weston (Xenos and Interserve) and Yolanda Jerrard (New Tribes Mission).
Our children really liked it! One felt a little bit to old for it, so he had his own program in the afternoon.

Our little one went to a special extended version of the Creche in Redcliffe House led by Christine Lewis.

(…and Marcel)
Marion Knell led the adults into the world of transition with kids. Her book: “Families on the move” is a helpful book. We read it before we came to England and used a great number of the practical tips.

Empowering parents
We really felt empowered by this day. We were confirmed in some things we do as a family and we discovered new areas to be aware off. The children liked the experience of being together with other children who understand them and have similar experiences. 

Not perfect
We learned again that we are not the parents described in the ideal situations. We are more like the parents we see in the case-studies :). So we try to be open with our children and communicate that we will make mistakes. Together we are on a journey. God is there in good and bad times. We have to trust in Him and make responsible choices.

Children and Mission

Is this realistic for your family? Then you need to visit this

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